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RC Plane (X8, UAV, UAS) Catapult Launcher

RC Plane (X8, UAV, UAS) Catapult Launcher

RC Plane (X8, UAV, UAS) Catapult Launcher.  This catapult launcher can be used to launch a variety of airplanes.  It comes standard with a Universal Bracket which can be used to launch most aircraft.  This bracket also has an Aircraft Retention System for launching aircraft under power. The X8 Wing Bracket is not included in the base package, but can be purchased as an add-on. The launcher can be ordered in three lengths, 8' two section, 12' three section or 16' four section. The 16' launcher is a professional, heavy duty design and has greater capability to launch heavier aircraft (10-15lbs) more reliably. The launcher comes with one set of Power Bungees and Decelerator Cables, and 12 carabiners.

If items are not in stock, they are available by pre-order and are shipped out within 2-3 weeks.  To reserve a launcher just drop us an email at:
